Our Story

Immediately after graduating from Rhema Bible Training College in 1980, Edwin and Angela Anderson founded Impact Family Church in High Springs, Fl. Through their leadership, IFC long ago established itself as a beacon of spirit-empowered ministry throughout the United States and the world.

A gifted pastor and teacher, Edwin Anderson is known for his safe and balanced approach to ministry and biblical exposition. In 2023, after 43 years of active pastoral ministry, the Andersons were released to travel full-time to emphasize the importance of the local church and to help pastors and congregations reach their full potential in Christ. Pastor Angela often ministers in the Spirit alongside her husband.

The Andersons minister in churches, Bible Schools, crusades, minister’s conferences, Holy Ghost Meetings, and Campmeetings across North America and the world. They were married in 1970 and have two children and five grandchildren.